Hello, I am App Developer

Having O2 Years of Experience

Highly skilled and dedicated developer, consistently exceeding expectations, going above and beyond to deliver high-quality work. A hard worker who is always willing to put in extra effort to achieve success.


Muhammed R


20 Years


kerala, India


I Can give your business a new Creative start right away!

As a freelancer based in Kerala, India, I am a seasoned developer with years of experience in creating cutting-edge apps and IoT devices that comply with the latest design trends. I am adept at turning visions and ideas into meaningful and useful products that deliver value to users. With a keen eye for product evolution, I am able to prioritize tasks, iterate quickly, and deliver projects in a timely manner.

My achievements

Personal Awards

Website of the day

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Honorable mention award

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Animi reiciendis labore quisquam suscipit qui veritatis. voluptas quia officiis fugit soluta sunt

Designer of the Company

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Animi reiciendis labore quisquam suscipit qui veritatis. voluptas quia officiis fugit soluta sunt